Hawley Shit!!

My dog is having a tough time. He really is. And it’s not his fault.

I moved him and changed his routine. He’s about to turn 6 and has always lived in the same house with the same people for the entirety of his life.

We moved about a month ago and he has been shitting and pissing in the house. He never did that before.

Not since he was a puppy.

But we are real close now. He’s doing significantly better at the adjustments he has had to go through. And he should. He actually wants to do a good job.

Dude, the outside is still on the other side of that door.

I’m not saying it’s not hard. He has to adjust. That’s life. Especially for a dog who has had literally everything handed to him his entire life. I mean, what has he worked for?

My attention? Daily.
Food? No. I’m going to feed him.
Belly rubs? Sure, he rolls over, but that’s it.
A snack? He does a simple trick.

Nothing has changed outside of the parameters in which he works.

I wish Josh Hawley was as humane as my dog, but he’s not. Neither is Ted Cruz.

See, I didn’t teach my dog to attack poor people. If I did, I would have given him a good Republican name like Freedom or Guns or Ted Cruz. No, not Ted Cruz. My dog is a male; not a bitch.

Ted Cruz is Trump’s bitch.

Anyway, Josh Hawley went to *checks notes* Florida today. Where else? And he gave a speech criticizing feminism for men turning to pornography and video games.

First, men turn to pornography and video games because they are there and accessible.

Second, feminism has opened the door to women playing video games and watching pornography. I don’t know if Josh “The Little Fist” Hawley knows this, but women can have orgasms too.

Here’s the thing, Josh Hawley was born to a banker and given every opportunity in the world. He never worked for anything.

“The left wants to define traditional masculinity as toxic. They want to define traditional masculine virtues – things like courage, and independence, and assertiveness – as a danger to society.“

Code words for “men should be allowed to rape.”

The real problem is that people like Hawley and Cruz and Trump and Trump, Jr. and Cuomo and Gaetz never worked for anything in their lives. Everything was handed to them.

Like my dog, but instead of adjusting to the changing world, they want to change people relatively to the changing world.

So they stand before you complaining. Complaining that what they were taught and what made their dad’s “men” is being taken away. The cheating and the discrimination.

The irony in this entire discussion is clear. America has moved from a one income household structure to two or three in the matter of 40 years. If you are not born into wealth, affording life is going to be difficult if not impossible.

Women are now required to work in a world where they used to be able to stay at home and take care of the children on home. And this is okay. It shouldn’t be the “woman’s job” to stay home, but there should be somebody home. One income should afford a standard of living in case things don’t work out.

In case her husband becomes to “assertive”.

Biden should not be pushing paid child care. He’s putting a band aid on the problem and allowing for the further problems. Biden should be pushing living wages so that one of the parents can stay home like they did in years’ past. We should be pushing to return to people living for families. Who is raising our children is not the question asked.

Hawley complained that people are having children later in life because of feminism. Hawley, being out of touch with real, living people, misses that people are tired and work too hard and don’t want to bring more children into a broken economic system. He misses that people are having children later in life because they cannot afford the hospital bills let alone the cost of raising children.

If you want to curb the rolling tides of feminism then, go ahead, try to get them out of the job market. Otherwise, treat everybody equally.

The real point is that if conservatives (Republican and Democrat alike) want to complain about having to adapt to the changing landscapes they created, then they should stop changing the world they live in.

Or adapt.

My dog has learned to stop peeing on the floor and knows when to ask out and how to navigate his new surroundings. My dog has learned to adapt way better than any Hawley breed or Ted Cruz bitch.

Definitely better than any Trump.

My apologies to all female dogs who may take offense to me comparing them to Ted Cruz. I like all dogs equally and significantly better than Ted Cruz.