Capitalism Murders the Poor

I wrote my senior thesis on pseudorandom number generation. I modeled the effects of third party candidates on an election based on different political ideologies.

Turns out there is no way to truly create random numbers with a computer. So we fake it. It’s a complete lie. We strive to find random-like sequence to simulate randomness.


So we can model the world. So we can model tendency. We can predict what will happen given a certain set of circumstances.

What we are doing now. We are simulating. And the president is playing an expectations game based on the models. He has no idea.

There’s a sign as I enter town.

Please don’t flush wipes down the toilet.

And suddenly we have to model the likelihood some dumbshit flushes wipes down the toilet and potentially clogs the sewer. Fuck.

Crisis is all around us. We must dummy proof it.

Modeling dummies is not easy. It’s downright impossible. Because the tendencies of the average dummy may be more random than you’d think. Definitely not predictable.

May be be what makes us call them “dummies” is they do things we would consider unpredictable.

And here we are trying to model that unpredictable behavior.

And reporting it.

It seems a fool’s errand.

And we are all fools. To the nth degree.

We hear the numbers.



A million

Many million


All based on models.

My employer is requiring me to work. As essential.

Mental health.

We provide exercise equipment. The haves and the have nots.

The wealthy stay at home, decide they need exercise, and my company gets that fucking Peloton bike to you. Which are on sale. Right now. Conveniently taking advantage.

Brave New World.

The gap widens.

So go vote for Trump lite Joe Biden because every single model tells me the dummies lose. The wealthy gain money. And most of us are scared, poor, and fucked.

Let’s be real. We are all an experiment. Of somebody else’s design.

I have to be the face, as management, to people who want to hide in their rooms. When the model comes out that hundreds of thousands die, we know it’s us. It’s not going to be one person named Trump who gets this.

I can start naming those who are at risk. They are in my town. They work for me. They are service industry employees.

We are expendable.

The people I work with go in people’s homes. They are exposed.

And my company says go.

My company tells us to generate revenue at all costs.

I’ve ran the model.

I’ve generated the random numbers.

Profit over people.

Top down.

And maybe that’s what Reagan meant. Trickle down.

Protect the wealthy. Like him. Expose the poor.

I’m not worried about myself. Not yet. I’ve had employees miss days though. Cough, nausea, headaches, and on and on. The company won’t budge.

Dead men can’t sue.

As long as that bitch on the lake gets a workout. Or a new mattress. Or a play set for her children. So they can isolate without pain.

This is easy to model. No pseudorandom number generation needed. Because what we all need is not available.

Simple math.

Capitalism murders the poor.