Cancel Vultures

You’re not being cancelled
You’re 15 minutes are up

I remember the aftermath of 9/11 and all the legislation which was passed. But it was more than just that gawdawful Patriot Act.

That was temporary, right? I mean, we no longer have the Patriot Act do we?


I remember when Clear Channel, owned by Tom Hicks who also purchased the Texas Ranger off George W. Bush for a record price and then Governor Bush deregulated everything which allowed Tom Hicks to invest across platforms, put out a memo listing 164 songs which were not allowed to be played because their titles seem. Insensitive.

I’ve always found The Beatles’ Day In The Life to be insensitive.

As the largest radio group in America, Clear Channel essentially try to make it so that 164 songs would not get airplay which would have an impact on sales.

Not a term back then, but they tried to “cancel” Van Halen’s Jump and Drowning Pool’s Bodies.

Remember when The Dixie Chicks criticized George W. Bush for lying about WMDs and going to war with Iraq? I am never going to listen to country music, but I felt bad for the band.

They were, essentially, blacklisted and their quality of life was way worse. All for criticizing the president.

Remember all the blacklisted people who criticized Obama?

Remember all the blacklisted people who criticized Trump?

The fact is that people targeted The Dixie Chicks even though they were wildly popular.

Remember those good old fashioned book burnings lead by conservatives who tried to cancel authors?

Or when churches lead the burning of KISS CD’s?

I’ve often wondered why KISS was so much worse than Black Sabbath? It’s just the makeup?

Remember a few years ago when Colin Kaepernick was unofficially banned from playing in the NFL for taking a knee protesting police brutality against black people? Yeah, he still is playing and this was because the conservatives were so upset about the message.

Why do we even play the National Anthem before sporting events between two teams from the United States? Seems silly.

Don’t people get tired of being used as pawns to play out some strange chess game instead of insisting that politicians take care of their needs?

Republicans have tried to cancel The Dixie Chicks, Great Balls of Fire by Jerry Lee Lewis, Vonnegut, KISS, Kaepernick, and black voters gettin free pizza while standing in line to vote.

The discussion isn’t about who, but how. Because there’s been quite a bit of talk about how Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Kermit the Frog, Mr. Potato Head, and Dr. Seuss are all being cancelled. None of them are. Except maybe Ted Cruz.

Can we please cancel Ted Cruz faster than a bad sitcom?

All 30 owners of the NFL did not conspire to cancel Kermit the Frog.

The largest radio channel owner did not conspire to cancel Marjorie Taylor Greene. Even if you want to blame the media for reporting on her old tweets and videos, she did it all to herself.

FOXNews did not rant and rave to get Dr. Seuss cancelled. They are merely ranting and raving afterward for the exact same reason they ranted and raved to get The Dixie Chicks cancelled- as a distraction from what is really going on.

Like all the voter suppression laws being passed around the country.

I mean, you don’t go out and ban Stairway to Heaven from being played on the radio because because you believe in capitalism and want one of the highest rated records of all time to stand on its own.

They change the story and the agenda constantly using fear tactics to get even a few people to change their mind and spread the fear forward jumping from one human to another through various people opening their mouths and breathing words onto people’s ears and into the cavity which once held a brain which only gains traction like a pandemic.

These vultures circle and prey on your vulnerabilities and people sit down there eating Easter Peeps fattening themselves up for when the vulture makes its move.

Do not let them say “cancel culture” anymore. The truth is the fifteen minutes of fame we were all baited on runs out. Marjorie Taylor Greene isn’t getting cancelled. It’s not about her ratings being too poor for a third season.

Her 15 minutes are over. Done. Fame isn’t supposed to last forever. Not for everybody. We are all on a timer whether we get our 15 minutes or not.

The droning on and on about some made up thing such as “cancel culture” is horrible.

One would think there is no way so many wealthy people can claim to be victims, but it works.

And, that, is the real story. Why are the Democrats Wile E Coyote all the time?